Fighting for Your Rights After Workplace Sexual Harassment
Nothing is worse than feeling like you don’t matter or are unsafe in the workplace you spend countless hours at each week. While many employees feel comfortable in their work environments, experiencing the employee rights afforded to workers in Iowa and other states across the nation, this is unfortunately not always the case. This is especially true when employees believe that they are victim of sexual harassment and nothing has been done the correct the situation.
Sexual harassment in the workplace can take on many forms; however, no matter how it occurs, it is a very uncomfortable and often emotionally debilitating experience. At Higgins Law Firm, PLLC, our experienced legal team takes on this sensitive matter aggressively. Our law firm is dedicated to serving employees in the Des Moines area navigate their matter and hold an employer or colleague for their misconduct.
No matter the industry or environment that you work in, the laws regarding sexual harassment are the same. If a conduct is unwelcomed and the employee is subjected to this conduct because of his or her sex, this meets the definition of sexual harassment. In order for this conduct to be unlawful, it must amount to more than minor teasing, comments or isolated incidents that are not deemed serious.
The most common types of sexual harassment cases involve matters that include sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, gender-based comments or a sexually charged workplace. No matter the underlying reason for your cause of action, our attorneys have the skills and resources necessary to collect pertinent evidence, obtain witness accounts and even confer with experts. It is our goal to prove our clients actions, helping them seek justice.
To learn more, check out our law firm’s sexual harassment website. Even if you have worked comfortably at your place of employment for several years of decades, it is possible to experience unlawful conduct. If you believe you are a victim of sexual harassment, it is important to understand your rights and what actions you can take to best protect them.