Protecting the Rights of Pregnant Employees

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Protecting the Rights of Pregnant Employees

Starting a family is a joyous time for those in Iowa and elsewhere; however, women could face some troubles because she has decided to have a child or expand her family. One would not think that being pregnant in the work environment would generate much if any changes, but the reality is that adjustment will be required as a women progresses with her pregnancy. However, if an employer fails to make necessary accommodations or fails to provide for family and medical leave, this could present issues regarding FMLA and the disability act.

While some places of employment can be relatively demanding, these demands tend to increase for a pregnant employee. Thus, pregnant employees will seek adjustments to their work assignments, helping them remain in the workplace until they near their due date. Unfortunately these adjustments are not always made. Even more so, some pregnant women or new fathers are not provided the maternity or paternity leave afforded by FMLA. Additionally, if health problems occur, pregnant employees are able to seek temporary disability. If an employer fails to provide leave or light duties, this could be viewed as a violation of the Americans with Disabilities Act. Finally, if a pregnant employee experiences mistreatment, this could be a situation of harassment or discrimination.

At Higgins Law Firm, PLLC, our experienced attorneys are well versed in the laws that protect pregnant employees. Furthermore, we are skilled and knowledgeable with the legal process that could help an employee assert her rights, helping her hold an employer accountable. Additionally, we help our clients calculate the damages suffered by the situation, assisting with the recovery of compensation.

To learn more, check out our law firm’s FMLA website. A pregnant employee never expects to suffer mistreatment in the work environment because she is pregnant; however, this unfortunate situation occurs in workplaces across the nation. Thus, it is imperative that employees understand their rights and what options they have to assert an action and protect their interests.