What Constitutes Sexual Harassment in the Workplace?

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What Constitutes Sexual Harassment in the Workplace?

While employees in Iowa and elsewhere may not always be pleased with their place of employment, this does not mean that they are being mistreated. However, some employees experience much pain and hardship because of their treatment and unpleasant conduct experienced in the workplace. Although unexpected by most employees, sexual harassment is unfortunately experienced by employees across the nation. In some cases, it can be difficult to discern what sexual harassment is, even when you are a victim

What constitutes sexual harassment in the workplace? First, it should be noted that sexual harassment could come from a wide variety of people in the workplace. Whether it is a manager, co-worker or even a non-worker, such as a client, an employee could claim a conduct is sexual harassment if the conduct generates a hostile work environment or causes an interruption to the success of an employee.

Sexual harassment does not only occur when inappropriate advances are made. Sexual harassment encompasses a wide variety of conduct, such as unwelcomed verbal or physical behavior, which includes actions like sharing inappropriate images or videos, sending suggestive letters or emails, telling lewd jokes, making inappropriate sexual gestures, making sexual comments about appearance, inappropriate touching, asking sexual questions or making offensive comments.

If you believe that you are a victim of sexual harassment in the workplace, there are steps you can take to correct the situation and protect your rights. A civil action could also be filed to punish the wrongdoer and recover compensation for damages suffered. While it is an uncomfortable situation, employees should note the rights afforded to them and what steps they can take to protect them.